Make July Plastic Free In Your Home!
Take the Plastic Free July challenge and pledge to refuse single-use plastics, whether it’s just for the month of July, or from this point going forward!Â
This movement, originally started in Australia in 2011, now spans across 170 countries and millions of people around the world.Â
Take the Pesky Plastics Quiz to learn how you can get started. Visit the Plastic Free July website for great resources, tips, and tricks for conquering the challenge. Have a closer look at what you’re currently throwing out, to better understand how you currently use plastic, and begin to prepare to #ChooseToRefuse. Spread the message amongst your friends, family, and colleagues, and encourage to join the Plastic Free July Challenge. Join the reuse revolution!Â
While not specific for 2019, here is a quick look below at some ideas for each day of July.
Lafayette’s Environmental Task Force is currently working with city staff on a single-use disposables ordinance which could include plastic straws. If you’d like to voice your opinion in what you’d like to see in such an ordinance, please contact Nancy Hu, Vice Chair at She is also administrator for the Buy Nothing Lafayette, CA group, which strengthens communities by sharing resources.
Post contributed by Nancy Hu, Vice Chair of Lafayette Environmental Task Force.