Earth Hour 2017 is coming up!
Set your reminders for Saturday, March 25th at 8:30pm local time for Earth Hour.
Earth Hour is organized by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) and got its start in Sydney, Australia in 2007 when Australians rallied to do something for the planet and organized a lights-off event. It has since become a movement, celebrated by over 172 countries and territories worldwide.
More information about Earth Hour and its origins can be found on their site, but take a moment to think about something you can do for one hour - a sacrifice you can make or an event you can help organize to educate others about what we can do to reduce the environmental impact on our planet (host a film, organize a lights-out campaign, join a community event, etc.). Ideas on how you can participate are also on the Earth Hour website, so take a look, sign up for something and join the more than 7,000 towns and cities worldwide do what we can to protect the planet!
In the meantime, check out Earth Hour's story in the video below.